Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday's Simple Solutions to Stress-Free Living: Part 3

Part 3 of an article from LIVEBOLDANDBLOOM.COM  by guest writer Akshay Nanavati

11. Anchor it in

Think of a time when you felt more confident than you have ever felt before. Now clench your fist. Keep doing this every day. Your body will start to associate the clenched fist with the feeling of confidence. So the next time you aren’t feeling very powerful, just clench your fist.

12. Time travel

Go back in time to all those memories that have robbed you of your confidence and create new meanings to them. Cognitive psychologist, Elizabeth Loftus has shown that memories can be changed and even false memories can be implanted in people. What this means is that you can literally go back in time and change your memories simply by repeatedly picturing the event while anchored into a positive state, so the meaning of the memory will become a positive one.

13. Step into another person’s shoes

The next time you find yourself stuck and facing a challenge, ask yourself what someone you admire would do in your situation. Do what they would do when they go through struggle. One of the fastest ways to get what you want in life is to find someone who has it and do what they have done. The same can be done for a mental state as well.

14. Stand tall

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy has found that a strong body language actually changes the inner workings of your brain. Practice standing tall and embodying a posture of unbreakable confidence everywhere you go. This will ingrain it deep into your mind and your being.

15. Use confident language

If everyday you use the word depressed, you will become so. Studies have repeatedly shown that when people have been exposed to words relating to old age, they walked slower than those that were exposed to younger words. They saw old words and thus acted old. Use words like powerful, unstoppable and confident as a regular part of your daily vocabulary.

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