Friday, February 10, 2012

Raffle Tickets for $1000 (and 14 other prizes) still available

One easy way to support our Democratic movement in DuPage is to give a little offering of the money variety. Seems so old-fashioned, doesn't it? Unfortunately, along with the new-fangled outreach methods from Four-Square, to Linked-In, to Facebook, blog and Twitter, the best ways to connect are still the old-fashioned ways. Conversation, phone calls, door-knocking and the DIRECT ASK.

We need more funds to keep DPDC growing the way it has over the last four years. RIGHT NOW, an easy way to do that is to BUY RAFFLE TICKETS and SELL RAFFLE TICKETS. Aside from the GRAND PRIZE, there are lesser monetary prizes with 15 actual prizes in all.

Write to INFO@DUPAGEDEMOCRATS.COM after you read this and say you are willing to sell a pack of 5 (actually sell 4 and the 5th is yours for free).


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