Monday, February 25, 2013

Bloomingdale Dems call on township to put stop to waste

Bloomingdale Dems call on township to put stop to waste

The Bloomingdale Township Democratic Organization today called on the current township board to stop waste in the township budget. According to the Democratic slate for township board every dollar of tax payers money must be used effectively for the welfare of the community. Best practices need to be employed in all areas. This insures tax rates are at the bare minimum to provide existing and enhanced services.

Trustee candidate Ralph Scalise called the salaries and benefits of the current board into question. “My first priority will be the salaries and benefits the board receives. The annual salary for a Bloomingdale Township trustee is over $8000.00.” he said. “This doubles what most municipal trustees receive for a job that requires much more time and effort. If you’ve ever attended a village board meeting you know that these meetings are going to take a considerable amount of time. The normal township board meeting takes ten minutes. I can’t see how we can justify these kinds of salaries. In addition to the salaries we pay the board is eligible for dental insurance, vision care and a pension. Why are we paying for these benefits for a part time board?”

Township Supervisor candidate Tom Suhrbur called for the board to work closer with municipal governments. “The Township should be more efficient in its spending policies. In 2012-13, the Township is projected to spend $3,366,020. The Township Road Commission budgeted $3,678,200.” He pointed out. “The Township should increasingly work for intergovernmental agreements with Carol Stream, Glendale Heights and other municipal governments in the township to expand senior citizen transportation, the food pantry and access for all township residents in unincorporated areas to park districts facilities.”

Added Township Clerk candidate Rose Fitzpatrick “One of the responsibilities of the Township Clerk is to be a witness at bid openings for both the township and the Road District. As the ex-officio clerk of the highway district, the Clerk maintains the records highway commissioner and countersigns all road district orders for payment prior to audit or approval by the Township Board. This is a significant responsibility. The taxpayers of Bloomingdale Township deserve a watchdog of their tax dollars and not just a rubber stamp.”

The Bloomingdale Township Democratic Organization is dedicated to the advancement of better government for the people through the selection and support of outstanding citizens for elective office at the township, county, state and federal levels of government. For more information please contact Rose Fitzpatrick at 630-291-3667 or More information is available on their web site at


  1. This was a really good use of the blog. We, here at DPDC applaud those who wrote it.

  2. The County board wants to focus on the salaries of the commissioners of the Forest Preserve when many more dollars could be found in township waste and could, ultimately, be recouped by eliminating township government altogether. If we get enough Dems elected to it, they will!
